Monday, July 20, 2015

Focus on What You Can Control

So often in life we worry about things that we have absolutely no control over. We worry about national politics, the most recent violent crime, what another person said and did, etc. And at the end of all that time spent worrying and thinking we have accomplished absolutely nothing.

Worrying about things outside of our control only leads to us feeling more and more frustrated and powerless. So why do we keep doing it? Why do I think about how my job or my life would be better if I could just change so and so? Why do I pour over countless Internet articles about the latest horrific event and think about how I would think and feel if it had happened to me or my children? And more importantly, how do I stop thinking about things I have absolutely no control over?

The easiest way is to simply shift our focus from things that we can't control to things that we can. So if you are having a problem with your marriage because your spouse is horrible and treats you badly, stop focusing on your spouse because that is something that you can't control. Instead, focus on yourself. If you want to have a better marriage, then be a better spouse. If you want to have a great marriage, then focus on being a great spouse. You can't improve your marriage by improving your spouse, but you can improve your marriage by improving yourself.

The same principle works in all areas of your life. If you want a better work environment, then focus on being a better employee and coworker. If you want a better relationship with your kids, then focus on becoming a better parent. If you want to lose weight and force that scale to move, then focus on being a healthier person. If you want to make the world a better place, then focus on being a better person and helping others.

So stop worrying and stop playing the blame game because it only makes your life worse. If we truly want to be happier people, then we need to focus on improving what we have control over. And most of the time what we have control over is ourselves. Take control of your happiness today because only you can.