Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bookworm Lisa's Review

Book blogger and Goodreads librarian, Bookworm Lisa, posted a review of The Watchers on her blog, Bookworm Lisa.

You can read the review here: http://lisaisabookworm.blogspot.com/2015/02/book-review-watchers-by-ashley-jensen.html.

Lisa tells a little about the basic plot of the story and then gives her take on the book. It's always interesting to hear or read what people take away from your book. Everyone seems to key in on different parts, which is what makes books so amazing.

I love it that twenty people can read the same book and can view that same book in twenty different ways. A book is never the same for the various people that read it. In fact, a book changes even as you read it multiple times. Your perspective changes based on your life experience, and that changes the book. At least that's one of the excuses I use to read my favorite books over and over again.